Install Php Soap On Centos 7

How To Install Php On Centos 7

In this article I will show you how to install PHP Soap on CentOS 7. Install PHP Soap Follow the below steps to install PHP Soap. Access your server as the root user using. Install the latest EPEL repository.

Follow the below link to install EPEL repository on system. Next after installing repository follow the below command to install php-soap.

We have VPS with CentOS I have installed soap with following command. Yum install php-soap Then I went to php.ini to un-comment soap extension. It was not there so, I. Download Program Do Ukladania Diety. I have a Centos 7 server running apache 2.4.6 and php 5.4. Sudo yum install php56-xml php56-xmlrpc php56-soap php56-gd 6) To list the other available php extensions.