Jtag Utility V1 3
Program Loaders The ability to load a program outside the debug environment has always been a customer requirement. A program loader is usefull for automated testing, board verification, and device programming. It can also be used over a product's entire life cycle from developement to production test and then for return and repair. Compatibility for the loader to be used in a scripting environment has always been popular. This gives the user more control and flexibility especially in an operator type envorinment where complex tests can be easily run.
Test Connection & BHProbe Test Connection - this feature was first introduced in Code Composer Studio v5. Tv 8 3 0 0 Portable there. TI added a test connection button to the target configration dialog box.
Project Status Updates Ppt. See image(s) to the right. If you are running CCS v5 or later (Windows or Linux), you can use this feature to verify emulator operation with the PC and target board.
BHProbe - is a Blackhawk utility available for earlier versions of CCS. This command line utility runs seprately from CCS to reset the emulator and test the connection to the target by performing a basic set of JTAG scan commands. For Code Composer Studio v3.3 and earlier, you can find the BHProbe utility in folder: Blackhawk Utility BHProbe.n (where n=1 or n=2) For Code Composer Studio v4.x, you can find the BHProbe utility in folder: ccsv4 emulation Blackhawk Utility BHProbe.2. BHCheck33 Blackhawk offers a check utility for proper emulation driver installation for Code Composer Studio v3.3.