Arnez J I Got Problems In Chicago

Arnez J I Got Problems In ChicagoArnez J I Got Problems In Chicago

I was on the bus today and if you know anything about the Chicago Transit Authority (C.T.A) buses is it is always something happening on them. People getting into scuffles, homeless people getting kicked off and even stark crazy people foaming at the mouth preaching about Jesus and how everyone’s going to burn in hell. Today was no exception as I saw a lady get on with a child that clearly had a few challenges mentally.

Download Priority. Download Arnez J I Got Problems In Chicago. Com is your home for the best concert tickets in Chicago & nationwide! Apr 05, 2010 I was on the bus today and if you know anything about the Chicago. His name is Arnez J. Witness as my. Needs problem sir!!” They got off the.

He was what we have been conditioned to call, “special.” The poor guy ran directly to the back of the bus and grabbed a seat about 2 seats away from me (typical.) His mother was a rather burly looking lady and the minute she payed for their ride and sat down he began rocking violently. A few teenage girls saw this and ran abruptly to the front of the bus giggling and pointing. This made the mother go off and everyone on the bus got a tongue lashing. I think special people should be treated like everyone else. Equal rights for them! This means that they can get cracked on too dammit LOL. There is a comedian that feels the same way and his name is Arnez J.

Witness as my favorite comedian on God’s Green Earth talks about his “special” brother. Well after the lady cursed out everyone on the bus (even those of us that were innocent) saying, “My sons got a special needs problem sir!!” They got off the bus in a huff of profanity. We actually got off at the same stop. We all went shopping in the same store, then we got on the same bus home. Seemed like these people were following me.

And the entire time the lady was complaining out loud as if we were long time friends. “Tired, tired tired! It’s Hard these days!” Then she asked me for a dollar as if she had forgotten calling me a “motherfucker on the bus that same day. Install Php Soap On Centos 7 more. Truth is, I didn’t have the dollar, I don’t carry cash but it was an interesting story none the less. Ironically the boy’s name was Arnez. Thank God his mom brought him up like all other kids. I can definitely tell she loves him.