Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program Fort Bragg

Army Laser Eye Surgery Program The Army provides free laser eye surgery for many soldiers under the Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program (WRESP). This is an excellent opportunity for soldiers to fix their eyesight at absolutely no cost and often with better results than what can be achieved at a civilian laser eye surgery provider. Army Laser Eye Surgery Compared to Civilian Providers Why does the Army often deliver better results? The Army has strict guidelines that must be met before a soldier can receive laser eye surgery.

Air Force Warfighter Refractive Surgery

Program To Disable Ulps Trixx. Oct 16, 2017 The Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program (WRESP) allows eligible active–duty soldiers to receive laser refractive eye surgery. Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program Welcome. Fort Stewart’s Laser Refractive Eye Surgery Center is located in the WRESP Clinic on the first floor at Winn Army. The Fort Bragg Warfighter Refractive Eye Surgery Program. Are eligible for refractive surgery under the WRESP program if they meet the following criteria.

Many civilian providers of laser eye surgery have more lenient policies, allowing teenagers to receive the surgery as well as approving people with less stable vision. Additionally, the Army provides laser eye surgery as a way of improving a soldier's combat effectiveness while a civilian provider is concerned about the bottom line (as with any business). Web Console Version 0.1b there. The Army is also extremely experienced with the procedure, performing well over 100,000 surgeries at the 12 Army facilities providing laser eye surgery.